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    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1.5HR - Tel Hazor has a nice amount of archaeological remains, including an ancient water system. Additionally, Tel Hazor is mentioned many times in The Tanach. History - Hazor was the largest Canani city. It says in Sefer Yehoshua, that Hazor was "the head of all these kingdoms". - It says that Shlomo Hamelech built "the wall of Yerushalayim, and Hazor, and Megiddo, and Gezer”. The city gates that Shlomo built, have been named 'Solomonic Gates'. - In Sefer Yehoshua Perek 11, it emphasizes how Yehoshua ben Nun burnt Hazor. But how do you burn stones? Armies would make large fires next to stone structures, causing them to crack. The king of Hazor, which was the largest Canani city, initiated an attack against Yehoshua ben Nun. Then we see the special emphasis on how Yehoshua burnt Hazor. At Hazor, there are the remains of a Canani palace whose stones are cracked, and some of them have ash on them. This means someone burnt these stones intentionally. Can you guess who?! ​Archaeological 5/5 Historical 5/5 Nature 1/5 Views 3/5 Burnt Stones Water system.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 45MIN - There is a moderate amount of archaeology here. There are nice views of the area here. History -Khirbet Qeiyafa is an important location because it proved that the stories in Tenach are true, using secular methods. There were those who for a long time said that David Hamelech was a fictional character because archaeologically there was no evidence that someone called David had existed. Then they found a 2,800-year-old inscription in Tel Dan mentioning "The House of David", thus providing archaeological proof that David Hamelech had existed. So then they said that David Hamelech had existed, but was only a small local tribesman and not an important powerful king. Here at Khirbet Qeiyafa, they found the remains of a large administrative building from David Hamelech, showing that he actually was a big influential king as is stated in Tenach. David likely built a palace here, because it overlooks the location where he killed Golias. -Khirbet Qeiyafa is likely the city of Shaaraim mentioned a few times in Tenach. They found here 2 city entrances which are rare, hence its identification with Shaaraim. Tel-Azekah Khirbet-Quiyafa and Ella-Valley are located near each other and can be done in 1 trip. Archeological 3/5 Historical 3/5 Nature 3/5 Views 3/5


    (my videos from this travel) - There used to be a Yeshiva that learned at the 'Shalom Al Yisrael Shul' in Yericho. Under the Oslo Accords, it was decided that not a single Jew could live in Yericho, and the Yeshiva was shut down. However, the Yeshiva relocated to just outside of Yericho. After an Arab riot that burned and destroyed a part of the Ancient Shul, the site was closed down. However, once a month, early in the morning, and under heavy army protection, Jews are allowed to Daven at the Shul and visit Tel Yericho. When I went, we headed there at 4 AM, to avoid confrontations. Nevertheless, local Arabs threw stones at us, intending to harm Yidden, who were simply going to visit and Daven by sites that are holy to Yiddishkeit! Baruch Hashem, we had soldiers with us that prevented us from being massacred C'V. Details - Yericho is one of the most famous cities in Nach, where many known stories took place in the city and its outskirts. - In Yericho, there is a place called Tel Yericho, which is also called Tel Sultan, where the old city of Yericho is.  - Most of the remains at Tel Sultan remain covered up, However, you can see many wall foundations that are thousands of years old!  -There is an old round watchtower that is mistakenly called 'Rachav's house', the location of her house is actually in the north of Tel Yericho. -Yericho is often mentioned as the oldest existing city in the world. - There are also a few ancient Shuls in Yericho that are generally kept locked. We were able to daven Shacharis in one of these Shuls called the 'Shalom Al Yisrael Shul', which is about 1400 years old! Later, we visited The Naaran Shul, which was built around the same time as the Shalom Al Yisrael Shul. History  - The first city that the Yidden conquered when they entered Eretz Yisrael, was Yericho. First, Yehoshua Ben Nun sent 2 spies, Pinchas and Calev, to check out the city. When they were discovered, Rachav famously helped them escape out of the city. It says in Sefer Yehoshua (2:16, 2:22), "Go to the mountain lest the pursuers meet you; and hide yourselves there for three days". Right outside of Yericho are many tall mountains, where you can see where the spies likely hid. - Next to Yericho, by the Yarden River, is where Eliyahu Hanavi went up to heaven in a chariot of fire. - There is a spring of water, that is likely the spring that Elisha HaNavi blessed, and sweetened it's water. Till today, people drink from that spring! -The Narran Shul, is possibly located at the site of the ancient city of Naaran which was near Yericho. There is the story of Elisha being attacked by Naarim (people from Naaran), who lost their income because he had cured the water of Yericho. - There was an archaeologist who wanted to excavate Yericho, and was only able to do so when she received permission from the Arabs. She was under tremendous pressure from the Arabs and people who deny the authenticity of the Torah, to show that there is zero connection between Yidden and Yericho. She published her 'findings', and claimed that Yericho was destroyed 100 years before Yehoshua Ben Nun conquered the city. The Arabs and deniers of The Torah were ecstatic and used this 'proof' that Jewish history is made up. However, 30 years ago, a new team of archaeologists reexamined the site and the findings from the previous excavation. They found many inconsistencies in the findings. For example, the archaeologist did not consider numerous pottery findings that were dated from after her 'decided date of Yericho's destruction', which shows that Cannanim were living in Yericho well after her 'decided date of Yericho's destruction'. Once again showing that The Tanach is not a historical novel, but actually the true story of our people. (On this theme check out Khirbet Qeiyafa ) The Shalom Al Yisrael Shul. View of Yericho from the Shul. The army accompanied us for security. Notice the paint marks, the Arabs throw paint at the windows hoping to obstruct the view of the drivers. Elisha's Spring. Tel Yericho. Massive gratitude for the soldiers! The Naaran Shul. Nearby is an amusement park. The mountains next to Yericho, this is where Pinchas and Calev likely hid after Rachav saved them.


    Blog Post explaining this site Google Maps - Shimon HaTzadik is buried in an Arab neighbourhood. PLEASE DO NOT WALK THERE! There have been attacks on Jews walking to his Kever. - Next to his Kever are the Kevorim of the Minor Sanhedrin (I only took a video of the Cave, so the pictures are screenshots of the video). It is a large burial cave with many rooms and niches.


    KOHANIM CAUTION!!! There are the ashes of Yidden in The Hall of Remembrance. Speak to your Rabbi if it is ok to go to Yad Vashem. (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1~3HR I don't know how to rank a Holocaust Museum. Additionally, there are also many holy objects in Yad Vashem, where you can see how the Nazis tried to annihilate not just the Jewish Body, but also the Jewish Soul.


    WARNING! The exhibits here are extremely graphic and disturbing. KOHANIM CAUTION!!! There are the remains of Yidden in the museum (for example, the bars of soap made from murdered Yidden). (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 45 Min To visit, you have to book an appointment. Call 02-671-5105 - My entire visit to the Chamber of the Holocaust was 45 minutes. However, you can see the Holocaust in a way that cuts straight to the point and leaves a massive impression. There is no sugarcoating or political statements here. You simply see the wide-ranging scope of the horrific brutality of the Holocaust. - Often overlooked when discussing the Holocaust, were the attacks on Yiddishkiet. Here you can see that. At the entrance, there is a display of anti-Semitic artifacts. There are Matzeivahs here for communities destroyed in the Holocaust. Some of them have a small shelf with a Megillah listing the known members of that community who were murdered. I randomly was looking at one Matzeivah and never heard of that city, it was one of many, in this city, 20,000 Jews were murdered! Hashem Yikom Damo. The purplish/red on these Sefrei Torahs, are Yiddens blood! Purses and lampshades lined with cut-up pieces from Sefrei Torahs! In the early years of the museum, there was a minyan that learned here, for the zechus of the Yidden killed in the Holocaust. The nazis yemach shemo, forced a Jewish tailor to make a shirt out of a Sefer Torah. The tailor put the curses section from the Torah, on the back side. Ashes from each of these camps were buried here!


    Google Maps - Next to Yaffa Gate, are the remains of a tomb complex, that are over 2600 years old!


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1-2HR - Katzrin has the remains of a 1500-year-old Jewish village. The park has many interactive remains and reproductions, that give you an idea of how people lived in the times of the Gemarah. Archeological 5/5 Historical 3/5 Nature 2/5 Views 1/5


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 2-4HR (going to the city of Gamla takes about 1.5-2hr. Then walking to the waterfall takes 25 minutes each way. Also, the walk from the bus stop to the park is about 20-25min) - At Gamla, you can see how the Jews tried to defend their city against the Romans. -I took the steep route down to Gamla, there is a longer way there without hiking down, ask the park rangers about it. - About a 25-minute walk away from the city of Gamla is the waterfall. The waterfall at Gamla Park is the largest waterfall in Eretz Yisrael! History - Gamla is mentioned in Mishna as one of the walled cities from the times of Yehoshua Ben Nun. - Gamla is most famous for the siege that took place there, during the Great Jewish Revolt in 67 CE. The siege was well documented by Yosephus. Vespasian, the father of Titus, (who later on had a famous interaction with Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai) lay siege to Gamla with 60,000 soldiers. Many Roman soldiers died inside Gamla because of the steepness of the city. In the end, thousands of Jews were massacred here. After conquering the north, Vaspisian and Titus turned south, towards Yerushalayim and the Beis Hamikdash. - You can see the exact location where the Romans breached the city wall! There are these replicas at the park entrance.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Aba Chilkiya and Chanan Hanechba ~~~ Google Maps Choni Hameagel ~~~ Google Maps - At the end of the city of Hatzor HaGlilit, is the Kever of Choni Hameagel. Nearby is the Kevorim of his grandchildren Aba Chilkiya and Chanan Hanechba. - They painted the story of Choni Hameagel on the water tower of the city. Kevarim of Aba Chilkiya and Chanan Hanechba.


    KOHANIM CAUTION!!! There are human skeletons on display here. - CAUTION! Most of the Jewish artifacts were moved to the Israeli Museum. The displays here are mainly from Muslim, Christian, and pagan beliefs. (There are actual avodah zarah that were worshipped, on display here) (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1.5HR - Warning! The museum is in an Arab area. I took the 1 bus (that bus goes to the Kosel) to get there. The bus stop is right across the street from the museum. Otherwise, take a taxi there. - John D. Rockefeller Jr. donated money for the museum, which was created in the 1930s. After the 6-Day-War the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were displayed here, were moved to the Israel Museum.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 45MIN - There is a park in Sanhedria, where they found a huge necropolis with over 1,000 burial caves. In one vault they found 63 niches where sarcophagi were previously placed. This led to the connection with the Sanhedrin which had 71 members. However, before the full excavation, this was a known place where Jews would daven.

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