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    (my videos from this travel) Details Ella Valley ~~~ Google Maps Mikvah ~~~ Google Maps Duration 30~45MIN -The Ella Valley doesn't have any archaeological remains or viewpoints, it's just an empty field. Yet I ranked it Tier 2 because it's the site of one of the most known historical battles in Jewish history, David vs Golias. There is a hill behind the field, this is where the Jews were encamped. Till today, there is a stream that flows during the winter. You can pick up five smooth stones from that river, just like David did! -Near the bus stop, there is a rock hill that they removed to make way for the highway. They so happened to cut halfway through an ancient Mikvah! You can still see the other half. Tel-Azekah, Khirbet-Quiyafa, and Ella-Valley are located near each other and can be done in 1 trip.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1HR - In the old city, you can walk along the walls of Yerushalayim, it's called the Ramparts Walk. There are 2 sections, one that goes through the Armenian and Jewish Quarter, and the other that goes through the Christian and Muslim Quarter. When I went, the Muslim Quarter walk was closed, so this is from the Jewish Quarter walk. - We purchased tickets at the Tower of David.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1HR -The Tunnel Tour at the Kosel, lets you walk the length of the Kosel and see its true height. When you book the tour, you can go with a tour guide, who will explain what you are seeing. I don't know how to rank this, even though it is a tour, it is the holiest Halachic place in the world.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 3HR -There are incredible archeological ruins here. There is a section with many Mikvahs, likely because this area was inhabited by Cohanim. -There is a crusader building, inside they have a nice video presentation about how the Mishnah was compiled. -On top of the building, you can get some amazing views. -Tzipori also has one of the largest numbers of mosaics found in Eretz Yisrael. There is also an ancient water system. History -Tzipori is an incredible place. Historically, Tzipori was one of the locations of the Sanhedrin. Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi famously lived here (before moving to Beit Shearim), with a large part of the Mishnah being compiled here. There are an incredible amount of mosaics here!


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration, you can hike here from 1.5HR to as many hours as you want. -Mitzpe Ramon overlooks a crater, that you can hike into. The views are incredible!


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1.5HR - Tel Be'er Sheva has a lot of remains, including an incredible ancient water system. - There is a Tower here, that gives you nice views of the area. History -Tel Be'er Sheva is the site of the ancient Be'er Sheva. It is mentioned all throughout Tenach. Nearby this area lived Avraham, Yitzchok, and Yaakov, and they likely went inside the city here, meaning some of these stones may have been touched by the Avos! - The modern city of Be'er Sheva has been influenced by the historic nature of its city name. -The Be'er Sheva bus station was built over some Byzantine ruins, and some are preserved at its entrance under the floor.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1.5HR - There is a moderate amount of archeological remains here, that you can walk around. - There are nice views of the area. - There is no bus to Tel Gezer, instead, the bus drops you off at the town of Beit Uziel (Or Karmei Yosef), and you walk through a field for 30 minutes to get there. History -Gezer was one of the most important cities in ancient times. It is mentioned many times in Nach, especially in Sefer Yehoshua. It says that Efraim didn't conquer Gezer but subjugated and taxed the people. Gezer also became one of the Leviac cities, going to the family of Kehos.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Overlooking Haifa ~~~ Google Maps Overlooking mountains ~~~ Google Maps Duration: 2-6HR (there are many walking trails here. Duration depends on how much you want to hike for) - Har Carmel has incredible views, on one side overlooking Haifa, and on the other side, overlooking some nice nature History - Somewhere here the story of Eliyahu Hanavi vs the prophets of the idol baal took place. - There are 2 places in Nach called Carmel. The Carmel mentioned in Sefer Yehoshua and Shmuel 1, refers to the city of Carmel southeast of Chevron.


    Details Google Maps --- 1HR - There are the remains of the oldest arched entrance in the world, it's 4500 years old. - There are also remains from the Roman and Islamic eras. - There are also nice views of the sea. History -Ashkelon was famously one of the 5 cities inhabited by the Plishtim.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1HR - There is a moderate amount of Archeological remains that you can see. - At the end of the park, there are nice views of Yerushalayim. - The park is open 24 Hours. History -There is a debate about the location of Beit HaKerem, which is where they would light a torch to notify Yerushalayim, with many holding that it is Ramat Rachel. Ramat Rachel, is on the road between Beis-Lechem and Yerushalayim, giving it strategic importance. They found a palace here dated to one of the Jewish kings from Beis Rishon, over 2700 years ago!


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1HR -A five-minute walk from the Shuk Machane Yehuda is the Gush Katif Museum. They have a nice presentation with items from Gush Katif. -I don't really know how to rank this museum. However it is presented from a frum point of view, so I put it into the Religious Sites category.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 2-4HR -Banias is an amazing place. There are 3 parts to Banias. 1) Nature. In the beginning, you walk along streams and waterfalls. 2) Ruins. Then you get to the ruins of the Roman city of Caesarea Philippi. 3) Views. Then there is the mountain, with amazing views! -The mountain face at the end of the park was used as a place of idol worship from the Hellenistic era through the Roman era. However, you can go around it to get some insane views! History -Caesarea Philippi was built by Herod's son 2000 years ago, with a good amount of archeology remaining.

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