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    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1-1.5HR - Mount Hermon is the highest place in Eretz Yisrael. It is mentioned several times in Nach. - The views from here, as you can imagine, are incredible! - I took a bus to the Druze city of Madjal Shams. From there I walked up along the road to the ski lift. At the ski lift area, I purchased a ticket for the ski lift to the top of the mountain (it costs about 50 Shekel) - Try taking a taxi to the ski lift. It was a long walk up!


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 2-2.5HR - The archaeological remains here are enormous! - The views from here are incredible! The contrast between the fortress and the scenery is breathtaking. History - Nimrod Fortress is the greatest hidden gem in the northeast. The fortress was first built by the Ayyubids, to defend against the Crusaders. It was then captured by the Mongols, yes! the MONGOLS! It was then recaptured and expanded by the Mamluks. We can really see how true it is that Eretz Yisrael will be the envy of the nations of the world! - The fortress was nicknamed Nimrod Fortress 150 years ago, after Nimrod from the story of Avraham Avinu.


    (my videos from this travel) Details. Google Maps --- Duration 2HR - Tel Dan has an amazing nature area, as well as a very historical and archaeological area. - Similar to nearby Banias, there is a river that flows through Tel Dan, offering some really nice walking trails. History. - The city of Dan is mentioned many times throughout The Tenach. Here, there is the second oldest arched entrance in the world. Avraham Avinu used this entrance when he was saving Lot. - Tel Dan is likely the city of Leshem/Laish, which Shevat Dan conquered. - Yerovoam built two temples with golden calves, one in Beit-El and the other here in Dan. The base of that temple still exists. There is a metal structure that gives you an idea of the dimensions of the altar. - Unfortunately, there are people that deny the authenticity of The Torah. When reading the story of David Hamelech, these people, many of whom are major academics, denied that he ever existed! They claimed that he was just some folk hero. They said this because, outside of The Tenach, there was no other proof of his existence. Then, in 1993, archeologists working at Tel Dan found a 2800-year-old inscription likely written by Chazael, king of Aram-Damascus, in which he mentioned "The House of David"! This forced many people who tried denying the truth of The Tenach, to backtrack many of their claims.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Park entrance Google Maps --- duration 2HR *The Davidson Center and The City Of David are two SEPARATE parks. They require separate tickets. However, you can buy tickets to both from either location. * I put this in the Religious Sites section because it includes the Kosel and the Chulda Gates. Highlights of The Davidson Center. - You can walk up to the Chulda Gates. (These gates are not the original ones from Beis Rishon. They also are not Chulda Gates mentioned in the Mishnah because the Mishnah is referring to the Har Habayis from the Chashmonaim. However, the Chulda Gates was the southern entrance to the Har Habayis, and these gates were the southern entrance to the Herodian Har Habais, as such millions of Jews used these gates to go to the Beis Hamikdash!) A Tosefta in Bava Basra says that Chulda HaNavia was buried nearby here. - It says that the stairs leading up the Har Habayis were not the same measurement, in order to make people focus on their ascent to the Har Habayis. You can walk on those same stairs! - You can see actual destruction from the Churban Bayis Sheni! The Romans knocked down huge stones from the Har Habais, and those stones crashed through the street below. You can see those stones, and see how the street is cracked and bent from those stones! - There was a marketplace next to the Western Wall. Meaning this is the original Wall Street! - You can touch the SouthWest corner of the Har Habayis! Evidence of the Churban Bayis Sheni. Before going to the Har Habais, people went to Mikvah. As such, there are many Mikvahs here, right before the entrance to the Har Habais. Fortifications dated to Shlomo Hamelech. The Chulda Gates.


    (my videos from this travel) Google Maps - This trench was built by the Jewish soldiers here, to supply themselves in the 1948 War.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Viewpoint ~~~ Google Maps Ancient Beit El ~~~ Google Maps Duration 1~1.5HR - There aren't many archeological remains here. However, there is an observation tower with incredible views, you can see Yerushalayim, Tel Aviv, and Ramallah! History -Beit El is mentioned many times in the Torah, with many stories taking place there. The most famous story is, that of Yaakov Avinu sleeping on 12 rocks here. Today, there is a building that some say is the location where Yaakov had his dream. - They found here a platform that was likely the temple built by Yerovam ben Nevat to worship a golden calf.


    Details Google Maps --- Duration 1.5HR (Including the hike there) - YouTube (my videos from this travel) - There isn't much to see here archeologically, however, the walk here from Tel Hadid is really nice. There are also nice views. History -Nachum Ish Gamzu was born in Gimzo, hence one of the reasons he was called Ish Gamzu (the other reason being him always famously saying Gamzu Letovah). Tel Hadid and Tel Gimzu are near each other and can be done on one trip.


    (my videos from this travel) Details City Part 1 ~~~ Google Maps City Part 2 ~~~ Google Maps Duration 1.5HR - There is a nice nature walk between the two parts of the city History - Hadid was one of the walled cities from the times of Yehoshua Ben-Nun. -There aren't many archeological remains at Tel Hadid (I also, mainly took videos and not pictures). - What's cool though, is that a highway was dug underneath it. For Historical and archeological, there isn't much, however, it is a nice place to take a hike. - Tel Hadid is split into 2 parts, each part having a few remains. Tel Hadid and Tel Gimzu are near each other and can be done on one trip.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Zohar Fortress ~~~ Google Maps 10th Century BCE ruins ~~~ Google Maps Chashmonaim fortress ~~~ Google Maps Duration 30MIN~3HR (I hiked from Neve Zohar to here, and that took almost 3HR) The walk there is incredibly beautiful! - Make sure to take lots of water! History -The Zohar Fortress is like a mini Masada. Near the city of Zohar which has the Kosher-Dead-Sea-Beach, are the remains of a Roman fortress on top of a mountain. -At the beginning of the trail, there are the remains of 2 small outposts, one from the 10th century BCE, built by the Jews defending the land from Moav, and the 2nd outpost was built by the Chashmonaim.


    (my videos from this travel) We were fortunate to have a Farbrengen at the penthouse of the J-Tower, which has one of the highest viewpoints in Yerushalayim.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Mikvah ~~~ Google Maps Viewpoint ~~~ Google Maps Duration 1.5~2HR - This is a nice hike, with amazing views of the area. History -Derech Haavot got its name because this was the general road to Yerushalayim. As such, when the Avos walked to Yerushalayim, they would have used this road. Additionally, the Olei Haregel would have used this road to get to Yerushalayim. Along the way are the remains of a Mikva and Roman road marks. The views along the path are incredible. - I hiked from Derech Haavot to Neve Daniel, they have a great viewing area there.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 45MIN The views from here are incredible! History -Tel Azekah has an incredible history, along with amazing views. Yehoshua ben-Nun chased the kings of Amoira past here, while hail rained down on them. The hail that fell on them was the hail that was suspended in the air from Makkas Barad. This means, that technically one of the ten Makkas took place here! -Tel Azekah is associated with the David vs Golias battle because it says that they fought between Socoh and Azekah. From here you can oversee the battlefield. Tel-Azekah Khirbet-Quiyafa and Ella-Valley are located near each other and can be done in 1 trip. The Pesukim that talk about the fight between David and Golias.

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