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    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps I went to the following places as one hike, they are near each other. Each individual place is a Tier 3, but if you combine them all, it is a Tier 2. The duration of the full hike was 5-6HR Tel Mevorakh then Horvat Akav then Ramat Hanadiv then Horvat Alec then Jabotinsky Park then Binyamina -At Horvat Akav, are the remains of a mansion from the end of Beis Sheini. It was abandoned during the Jewish Revolt of 66-73. It was resettled during the Byzantine era in the 4th Century. - The archeological remains here are very informative of how people lived in ancient times. -The hike there is cool. There is a cliff that has a strange formation that I haven't seen elsewhere here. -The view of Ceasrea and the area is incredible!


    (my videos from this travel) Details Tel Mevorakh ~~~ Google Maps Aqueduct ~~~ Google Maps Flour Mill ~~~ Google Maps View of the Mine ~~~ Google Maps I went to the following places as one hike, they are near each other. Each individual place is a Tier 3, but if you combine them all, it is a Tier 2. The duration of the full hike was 5-6HR Tel Mevorakh then Horvat Akav then Ramat Hanadiv then Horvat Alec then Jabotinsky Park then Binyamina -Tel Mevorakh was a small city that was founded 3000 years ago. Currently, the place has not been identified. There are bearly any remains there. -Nearby, are the remains of the aqueduct that goes to Caesarea later on. On the aqueduct is an inscription that says Emperor Hadrian (on the right), and an inscription of the 10th Legion (on the left). -Afterwards, I went underneath the highway, where the aqueduct still extends, and headed to an ancient flour mill. -Afterwards, I crossed a small stream called the Nahal Taninim stream and headed up the mountain on the left. There you can see the remains of a mine.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Tel Goren ~~~ Google Maps The Shul ~~~ Google Maps Duration 3-4HR -The hike at Ein Gedi is one of the most beautiful in Eretz Yisrael! -There are 2 hike options, I did the Wadi Arugot hike. - The hike can be exhausting, bring lots of water! History - Famously, David Hamelech escaped from Shaul Hamelech to Ein Gedi, where the story of the spider took place. - At the entrance of the park are the remains of a small ancient village called Tel Goren, which was built about 300 years after the era of David Hamelech. Nearby are the remains of the ancient city of Ein Gedi, which has a 1700-year-old Shul with an impressive Mosaic.

  • USHA

    (my videos from this travel) Details Usha ~~~ Google Maps Shabbos Marker ~~~ Google Maps Duration 1-1.5HR - There isn't much archeology here, however, this is a very historic location. History -The Sanhedrin relocated from Yavne to Usha. Rabbi Akiva's students lived in Usha, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai‎, Rebbi Yehudah bar Ilai who was originally from Usha, Rabbi Yossi, and Rabbi Meir. Today there are the remains of the commercial center of Yavne, where they produced wine and oil. -This is incredible! -One of the most famous and tragic stories about Usha was the murder of Rabbi Yehuda ben Baba. He gave Smicha to Rabbi Yehuda bar Ilai, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Yossi ben Chalafta, and Rabbi Elazar ben Shamua, and was murdered by the Romans for doing so. Now, there was a decree that any Rabbi that gave semicha, that city would be destroyed. So Rabbi Yehuda ben Baba went between the Shabbos boundaries of Usha and Shefaram to give semicha. They discovered a Greek inscription which was likely the Shabbos city marker that would warn people if they were going outside of Techum Shabbos. Meaning, it is possible that right beyond there, is where the Romans murdered Rabbi Yehuda ben Baba! Usha is next to the Kever of Rabbi Yehuda ben Baba


    Blog Post explaining this site Details Google Maps --- Duration 45MIN -There is a cool bunker system there, that you can go into for free. -From Tel Saki, you can look directly at Syria. There are the remains of some military equipment. History -Tel Saki is the site of one of the battles for the Golan during the Yom Kipper War. The badly outnumbered soldiers held off the Syrian attack until they could no longer do so. One of those soldiers surrendered, telling the Syrians that he was the last survivor. While actuality, there were more survivors that stayed hidden in the bunkers, thus, his surrendering saved those soldiers. After 30 hours of hiding in the bunker, the soldiers were rescued.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1.5-2HR -Susita has some nice ruins, along with incredible views of the area, including the Kineret! History -Susita was a city like Beit Shean, which was part of the Decapolis, a group of ten cities that were meant to showcase Roman culture in this part of the world. Unfortunately, Susita hasn't been excavated as well as Beit Shean. -Susita was mainly inhabited by Greeks, and then Romans, who would often persecute the Jews living in the area.


    (my videos from this travel) Details The Shul ~~~ Google Maps Old Shiloh ~~~ Google Maps Duration 2-3HR -Besides having lots of archaeological remains, Shiloh has 3 nice video presentations, including a 3D presentation about the Mishkan. History -Shiloh is an incredible location, it's one of the best archaeological parks in Eretz Yisrael. At the end of the park, they found a flat area carved into the bedrock that fit the dimensions of the Mishkan! This is likely the location of the Mishkan. -Also, the design of the Shul in Shiloh was inspired by the Mishkan.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration ~1HR - There are natural hot springs in Hamat Gader. As such, the Romans built several large bathhouses here for their troops. The ruins of the bathhouses are quite impressive! - Hamat Gader lies right on the border with Jordan, there are the remains of Arab barracks here. - There is also a crocodile farm at Hamat Gader (I didn't have enough time to check it out)


    (my videos from this travel) Details Mayan Aniam ~~~ Google Maps Ayit Falls ~~~ Google Maps Duration However long you want to stay there. -In the Golan, near the Moshav of Aniam is a stream with a small dam, which makes for a nice small Mayan. Nearby is the Ayit waterfall.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps -While driving from Tel Saki back to Tiveria, we made a stop at this incredible viewpoint overlooking the Kineret!


    Blog Post explaining this site Details Roman Aqueduct ~~~ Google Maps Arches House ~~~ Google Maps Khirbet Akeed ~~~ Google Maps Ancient Ayalon ~~~ Google Maps Duration 2-4HR (It depends on how long you want to hike here for) -Canada Park has a lot of walking trails, with nice views of the area. -Inside Canada Park, there are the remains of a Roman aqueduct and a Roman bathhouse. Additionally, there are the remains of a fortress built by the Chashmonaim, which was later used by Bar Kachba. -There's also a hill that is the site of the ancient city of Ayalon, which was part of Shevat Dan.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Beit She'an ~~~ Google Maps Hippodrome ~~~ Google Maps Roman Bridge ~~~ Google Maps Duration 3-4HR -Beit She'an is tied with the City Of David as my favourite location in Eretz Yisrael. Reish Lakish said, "If the entrance to Gan Edan is in Eretz Yisrael, then it is in Beit She'an”. -Beit She'an is one of the largest archaeological parks in Israel. You can spend hours looking at the Roman ruins here. Then there is the older Beit She'an on the mountain, which dates to the times of the Tanach. History -After Shaul Hamelech was killed by the Plishtim, they took his body and hung it on the city walls, before a few Jews snuck in, and removed the body. Afterwards, David captured the city and built a fortress there. Now, wouldn't it make sense for David to incorporate the walls of Beit She'an into his fortress? There are the remains of the fortifications of David's fortress, meaning possibly the wall that Shaul's body was on, is here! -There is a Roman temple that is completely destroyed. It felt amazing as a Jew to walk there. The people who worshipped in that temple destroyed the Beis Hamikdash and thought that their idols were superior to us. Well, look who is now standing on top of their place of worship!

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