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    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1-2HR? - UNFORTUNATELY, I arrived at the park 5 minutes before closing and was not allowed in. The above picture is the remains of an Ottoman castle. From what I have seen online, there are remains from the Egyptian and Roman time periods. There is also a small artificial lake. History - Afek was one of the cities conquered by Yehoshua ben Nun. - The Plishtim camped here, before defeating the Jews nearby. In the battle, the Aron HaKodesh was taken, and 34,000 Jews were killed, including Eli HaKohen's 2 sons. The Mazor Mausoleum, Qula Crusader Fortress, Migdal Tsedek, Eben Ezer, and Tel Afek are near each other.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 20MIN - There are few remains at Eben Ezer. There are the remains of a “4-Room” house, which was the typical style of houses used by the Jews during Beis Rishon. There are also a few grain silos. - The location is in an empty area behind a street in Rosh Ha’ayin. I entered by crossing the wooded area near the highway. History - It says that the Jews, Eli HaCohen with the Aron HaKodesh camped at Eben Ezer before fighting the Plishtim. This means, that the Aron HaKodesh was placed somewhere right here! The Mazor Mausoleum, Qula Crusader Fortress, Migdal Tsedek, Eben Ezer, and Tel Afek are near each other.


    (My videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 20MIN (I didn't know that a 5-minute walk nearby, is a monument with 3 military vehicles. Here it is on Google Maps ) - The Qula Crusader Fortress contains the remains of a Crusader Fortress and an old Arab village. - There aren't many remains, however, what's really cool is that it's almost completely absorbed by the forest that is right next to the highway! - It's a nice hike through the forest from the Mazor Mausoleum to the fortress. The Mazor Mausoleum, Qula Crusader Fortress, Migdal Tsedek, Eben Ezer, and Tel Afek are near each other.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 2-3HR - There are lots of archeological remains at Megiddo, including an incredible ancient water system! - The views of the area are amazing. You can see why this hill was so strategically important. - There are a few nice video presentations at the visitor center, including a cool light exhibit on a replica of Megiddo. History - Megiddo is a hill at the entrance of the Jezreel Valley, which was a main travel route in ancient times. As such, Megiddo was an extremely important city, which was fought over many times. - It says that Shlomo Hamelech raised taxes to build fortifications at Yerushalayim, Chazor, Megiddo, and Gezer. The design of these gates is known as Solomonic Gates. - It says that Yoshiyahu Hamelech was killed by Pharaoh Necho, near Megiddo.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 45MIN - There isn't much archeology here. However, there is an incredible view of the area. History -Shaul Hamelech camped here with his army before his final battle/defeat by the Plishtim. - Tel Yizreel was the location of The capital of the Northern Kindom. - Yehu Hamelech overthrew Yehorom in Yizreel. He then had Izevel, the wife of Achav, thrown out the window and killed. There are small visible remains of the city wall, perhaps right here is where Izevel died. - The archeologists who excavated Tel Yizreel mainly covered up the site. All that remains are the ruins of an Arab village. -Tel Yizreel and Gideon's Spring are near each other.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1.5HR - There aren't many archeological remains here. However, the views from the area are amazing, and you can see why this city was strategically important. History - Tel Safi is the historical location of Gath. Gath was one of the major Plishti cities. Gath is mentioned many times throughout the Tanach. - After the Plishtim took the Aron HaKodesh, they moved it between their cities, including Gath. - Golias was from Gath. - David escaped from Shaul to Gath. Here he pretended to be insane in order to hide his identity. There are many signs showing where Gath is mentioned in the Tanach.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1.5-2HR - There is a moderate amount of archeology here, including the remains of a siege ramp built by Sancheriv to conquer Lachish. This siege ramp is 700 years older than the one in Masada! - There are lots of signs here that give information about the history of Lachish. History - Lachish is one of my favourite places in Eretz Yisrael. Lachish is mentioned many times throughout Tanach. It is most famous for its siege and destruction by Sancheriv. Lachish was the 2nd most important city in the Kingdom of Yehudah after Yerushalayim. Sancheriv brutally besieged and destroyed the city. The Seige of Lachish is not just mentioned in the Jewish record, but also in the Assyrian record. - The famous story of how Chezekiahu and Yerushalayim were saved is also hinted at in a statement by Sancheriv. He mentions how he destroyed Lachish which was a very fortified city, but then when it comes to Yerushalayim he said "As for Chezekiahu, I shut him up like a caged bird in his royal city of Yerushalayim". However, he just conquered Lachish, so then why couldn't he conquer Yerushalayim? Something must have happened that he is not mentioning... There are nice views of the area from here.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 30MIN -At Ein Hemed Park there are the remains of a Crusader building. The inside is cool. - There are also some streams and small pools nearby. Castel Park and Ein Hemed are near each other.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration, possibly 1.5HR -There is an archaeological park here with the remains of the old city of Har Gerizim, unfortunately, we didn't go there. As such, I don't know how to rank the area based on archaeological remains. SAFETY: You need to pass through Huwara to get to Har Gerizim. DO NOT GO BY YOURSELF! Go with an armed local, tour guide, or armored bus. History -When the Jews entered Eretz Yisrael, they received the Blessings on Har Gerizim, and the curses on Har Ebal (which is next to it). -There is a community of Shomronim on Har Gerizim. You can notice how they have The Shema written right on top of their doorposts.

  • TEL BURNA DIG 2022

    -In the Summer of 2022, my college (Touro College) partnered with Ariel University on their archeological excavation at Tel Burna. -Tel Burna, is the name given to the historical Libnah. Libnah was one of the 13 Kohanic cities and is mentioned a few times in Tenach. It became an important city because it was on the border between the Jews and the Plishtim. Libnah is exactly in between the largest Jewish and Plishti cities, Gath (Plishti) and Lachish (Jewish). Where I excavated, there is a layer of destruction, likely from Sanchereib. (my videos from this travel) SUNRISE We typically started working at 5:45 AM, in order to avoid the heat later in the day. As such, we had incredible views of sunrise!


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1HR -Tel Adullam has nice views of the Beis-Lechem and Chevron mountains. History -After David Hamelech killed Golias, Shaul Hamelech was jealous and wanted to kill him. So David fled to several places, one of them is here, Adullam. There are many caves here, which could have offered David a good hiding place.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps -There is a nice pathway from Horvat Alec to Jabotinsky Park. They restored a Roman theatre in Jabotinsky Park. I went to the following places as one hike, they are near each other. Each individual place is a Tier 3, but if you combine them all, it is a Tier 2. The duration of the full hike was 5-6HR Tel Mevorakh then Horvat Akav then Ramat Hanadiv then Horvat Alec then Jabotinsky Park then Binyamina

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