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    KOHANIM CAUTION!!! One of the caves contains tombs. (my videos from this travel) Details Maresha ~~~ Google Maps Beit Gurvin ~~~ Google Maps Bell Caves ~~~ Google Maps Duration 3-4HR -There are many caves in the area. -There is also a cave network used by Bar Kochba during his revolt. -There are a lot of ruins from the Roman city of Eleutheropolis. - There is an activity center called 'Dig For A Day' where people can 'participate' in an archeological dig, including children, for 72-95 Shekel. (I personally have not done it, but I have heard positive feedback from it) History -Maresha is a city that is mentioned a few times in Nach. After the Churban Beis Rishon, the city became Non-Jewish, until it was captured by Yochanan Hyrcanus AKA Yochanan Cohen Gadol. In 40 BC the Parthians completely destroyed the city, after which it was never rebuilt. A new city was built right next to the ruins of Maresha, it was called Beit Guvrin. It was destroyed by Hadrian after the Bar Kochba Revolt. Then it was rebuilt as a Roman city, called Eleutheropolis, the 'city of freemen'. - There are caves here that were used for raising birds. It is likely that these birds were raised for Karbonos for the Beis Hamikdash.


    (my videos from this travel) -A short walk from The Rashbi is an ancient Shul. It may be possible that The Rashbi davened here. -There are many Kevarim in the Meron area. For the following Kevarim, I used Google Photos maps, it is approximately accurate, but I can't say for sure that they are in the exact area. I walked around the mountain area near the Rashbi and came across these Kevarim, so they are on that path. The Shul ~~~ Google Maps Hillel Hazaken ~~~ Google Maps Rabbi Tarfon ~~~ Google Maps Rabbi Yossi Ben Kisma ~~~ Google Maps Rabbi Yehudah Ben Beseira ~~~ Google Maps Rabbi Yossi Chatufa ~~~ Google Maps


    (my videos from this travel) -Google Maps -Ruins of baths List of Kevarim in Tiveria. Rambam's Kever ~~~ Google Maps Rachel's Kever ~~~ Google Maps Kever of Reb Mendel mi-Vitebsk ~~~ Google Maps Rav Ami, Rav Asi, Rabbi Yochanan ben Nouri ~~~ Google Maps Kever of Rabbi Meir baal Haness ~~~ Google Maps Kever of Rabbi Akiva ~~~ Google Maps Kevarim of Rabbi Chiya and his Sons ~~~ Google Maps Kever Ha'Imos ~~~ Google Maps Next to the Rambam's Kever are the Kevorim of many Tzadikim.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 5MIN History -Behind the King David Hotel, is a burial complex, where the members of Herod's family are buried. That means that the last of the Chashmonaim are buried there. Herod killed his wife, Miriam, who was from the last of the Chashmonaim, she is buried there. Hence, the discussion in Gemarah Bava Basra 3B, that no one can claim to be a descendent of the Chashmonaim.


    Details Google Maps --- 5MIN History -Oskar Schindler saved over 1200 Jews during the Holocaust. His tomb is on Har Tzion, which is in the Christian cemetery. My Rabbi told me that I could visit it as long as I did not have to pay to enter. Unfortunately for me, I couldn't find it, and the caretaker offered to show me the grave if I paid, but I couldn't. So I watched some YouTube videos of people visiting the grave to compare the backgrounds to find it.


    (my videos from this travel) - Chevron is difficult to quantify. It is a small place with many locations. Typically, when people visit Chevron they go to many of these sites in Chevron at the same time. List of places from Tanach in Chevron. - Entrance to the Cave where the Avos are buried. - Kever of Avner ben Ner. - Kever Rus and Yishai. - Kever of Osniel Ben Knaz. - Ancient entrance to Chevron. - Chevron from Beis Rishon. - Ancient Chevron. - Kever of Rabbi Abraham ben Mordecai Azulai. - Kever of Rebbetzin Menucha Rochel Slonim - Google Maps -Tel Chevron, also called in Arabic, Tel Rumeida. It is part of the ancient city of Chevron.


    Details Google Maps - Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair Google Maps - Reb Yisrael Aryeh Leib Google Maps - Arizal's Mikvah History -The Tsfas cemetery is famous for the Kever of The Arizal and Rabbi Yosef Karo. There is additionally the Kever of Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair, the father-in-law of the Rashbi. And there is the Kever of the brother of the Lubavitch Rebbe, Reb Yisrael Aryeh Leib. -At the entrance of the cemetery is the Arizal's Mikvah.


    Blog Post explaining this site Details Google Maps --- Duration, it is up to you, I spent 30 MIN looking out. - This place has no archeological remains or any historical significance, yet it is a Tier 2 location! The views from here are perhaps the best that I have seen in the entire Eretz Yisrael! There is a bench there, and I sat on it in astonishment for half an hour. The place is so peaceful and quiet, and most tourists don't come here. I went to Shivta. From there I took a bus to Nitzana, and from there I walked to an Egyptian-Border-Viewpoint. History - The week that I came here, I started learning Gemarah Gittin. It mentions a place called Rekem. Rekem is the name of the city of Kadesh. There are 2 cities with the name Kadesh, one is Petra (which is likely the one that the Mishnah is referring to), and 2nd is Kadesh Barnea. Kadesh Barnea is mentioned many times in the Torah. On a clear day if you look south you may be able to see it since you are standing on a high elevation.


    (my videos from this travel) HALACHIC WARNING! There are the remains of a few ancient churches here. My Rabbi told me that since it is in ruins and not in use, I can go in. However, please, do not take my actions as Halachic advice, and consult with your own Rabbi if it is appropriate for you to go. Details Google Maps - Duration 1HR (The bus stop is about a 25-minute walk from Nitzana. If you walk, the duration is 1.5HR, it then depends if you go back to the bus stop or walk another 45 minutes to see the border. If you go to the border, then you have to walk back 1hr-10min to get back to the bus stop) BRING LOTS OF WATER! There aren't many people here. When I went, I was the only person there as far as the eye could see! - Since the area is sparsely populated, there are many army bases and a prison there. The bus stop to get off, to walk to Nitzana is Saharonim Prison. - There are some archeological ruins here. However, the views of the desert are incredible! I went to Shivta. From there I took a bus to Nitzana, and from there I walked to an Egyptian-Border-Viewpoint. - Nitzana is an ancient Nabatean city. (The Nabateans were an ancient Arab people who lived in the desert). It was built along the ancient Incense Route. The city is about 2300 years old! - The Ottomans built an administrative building here, which was used as a logistics hub during World War One.


    (my videos from this travel) HALACHIC WARNING! The main attraction of Shivta is the remains of an ancient church. My Rabbi told me that since it is in ruins and not in use, I can go in. However, I have seen online, that there are ceremonies that sometimes take place there. As such, I only took pictures at the entrance and did not go up to the altar area. Please, do not take my actions as Halachic advice, and consult with your own Rabbi if it is appropriate to go. Details Shivta ~~~ Google Maps 'Shivta Camp' Bus Stop ~~~ Google Maps - Duration 1.5HR (If you are going to walk there, each way is about 1HR, so a total duration of 3.5HR) - I went in the morning. There is a bus stop at a military base, and from there I walked for 1 hour to get to Shivta. The walk was incredibly nice! - There are impressive archeological remains here. You can see the massive water reservoirs that enabled a flourishing city to survive in the middle of the desert! I went to Shivta. From there I took a bus to Nitzana, and from there I walked to an Egyptian-Border-Viewpoint. History - Shivta, is an ancient Nabatean city in the middle of the desert. (The Nabateans were ancient Arab people who lived in the desert). It was built along the ancient Incense Route. - Shivta is recognized as a UNESCO world heritage place. - The walk from the bus stop to the archeological site had incredible views! (The walk is 1 hour)


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 20MIN for the archeological site. - At the entrance of Bat Ayin, are the remains of a small wine-producing village, which was destroyed in the Bar Kachba Revolt. - There are the remains of a 2000-year-old Mikvah! - From inside Bat Ayin, there are nice views of the area.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration ~1HR - There are 2 parts of Yarmut, the newer section is on top of the hill and has few archeological remains, though there are nice views of the area. The older part of the city located in the lower section has a Canaani palace that is over 4000 years old! History - The king of Yarmut was one of the 5 kings that joined forces against Yehoshua ben-Nun because of his (tricked) alliance with Givon.

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