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    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps - The Kevorim are located right next to Machane Yehudah. They are in a red brick structure built for the Kevorim. History -The Imrei Emes was the 4th Rebbe of Gur. After escaping from the nazis, he arrived in Eretz Yisrael. He passed away during the 1948 War Of Independence. He wasn't able to be buried in Har Hazeisim because of the war. As such, he was buried in the courtyard of the Yeshiva he founded. - The 7th Rebbe of Gur, The Pnei Menachem, was buried alongside his father.


    Details Kever Nachum Ish Gamzu ~~~ Google Maps The Citadel ~~~ Google Maps -On top of Tsfas, are the remains of fortresses built by the Mamluks and Crusaders. There are insane views of the area from on top of there! -The Kever of Nachum Ish Gamzu is in Tsfas. -Tsfas-Cemetery The Kever of Nachum Ish Gamzu. Views from the Citadel.


    KOHANIM CAUTION!!! (The Kever of Baron Edmond de Rothschild and his wife are in a crypt. The rest of the garden is fine) (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps - Baron Edmond de Rothschild and his wife are buried in Ramat Hanadiv. In their honor, they built a beautiful park in the area. I went to the following places as one hike, they are near each other. Each individual place is a Tier 3, but if you combine them all, it is a Tier 2. The duration of the full hike was 5-6HR Tel Mevorakh then Horvat Akav then Ramat Hanadiv then Horvat Alec then Jabotinsky Park then Binyamina


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps The Kever of Rabbi Yehuda ben Baba is on the outskirts of the modern Arab city of Shefa-Amr. (Shefa-Amr is the ancient location of the city of Shefarim, where the Sanhedrin relocated to) -CAUTION! I walked from Usha to the Kever, and afterwards, I tried walking to the bus stop but got lost. While it is typically safe, keep in mind that the area is Arab. Try getting a ride there, instead of walking through the area. The Kever of Rabbi Yehuda ben Baba is near Usha


    (my videos from this travel) In the Arab city of Kifl Haris, are the Kevorim of Yehoshua Ben Nun, Nun (Yehoshua's father), and Kalev ben Yefune. The organization that arranges visits to Kever Yosef also arranges for visits to these Kevorim (


    (my videos from this travel) Duration Google Maps --- Duration 2-3HR -The Nebi Samuel Park is where Shmuel Hanavi is buried. Nebi means a prophet in Arabic. In the area, there are lots of archeological remains from the Chashmonaim and Crusader times. -There are incredible views from on top of the building. History -Nearby, there is a spring that is used as a Mikvah. People call it Chana's spring, after the mother of Shmuel, however, it's not confirmed if she actually used that spring. -There is an argument about whether this mountain is the ancient city of Mitzpa, which is where Shmuel Hanavi judged the Jews.


    KOHANIM CAUTION!!! Even though this is a Muslim Cemetery, it is right next to Har Hazeisim. Details Google Maps --- Duration 20MIN Caution! The Golden Gate is next to a Muslim cemetery, DO NOT walk there by yourself! Also, don't talk loudly, this is a sensitive location. *At the north of The Eastern Wall of Har Habayis is the Lions' Gate. The famous video of the Jewish soldiers running into the old city during the Six-Day War happened there. *In the middle of The Eastern Wall is one of the most important locations in Yiddishkeit, Sha'ar Harachamim. This entrance has several names, including Shushan Gate, and The Golden Gate. It is here that Moshaich will enter Har Habayis. As such, 500 years ago, the Muslim ruler sealed the entrance and put a Muslim cemetery there to try to stop Moshaich from arriving. The funny thing is, that the Muslim Sultan was worried about Moshiach! (When Moshiach comes the rules of Taharah will be different. We can also just remove the cemetery) *On The Eastern Wall, the first 3 letters of Hashem's 4 letter name appear! *By the southern part of the wall, you can see how the stones change. This is due to the Chashmonaim and Herod extending Har Habayis. The Kidron-Valley Har-Hazeisim and The-Eastern-Wall are next to each other and can be done in one trip.


    (my videos from this travel) Details -Viewpoint ~~~ Google Maps -Tombs of the Prophets ~~~ Google Maps -Yossele Rosenblatt ~~~ Google Maps (This is what Google Photos gave me as the coordinates) -In my opinion, Har Hazeisim has the best view of Yerushalayim! -On Har Hazeisim there is an old burial cave, which is claimed to be the Kevarim of Chaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. There is an Arab who charges money to see the cave, which I personally didn't want to do, so I do not have pictures of the inside. The Kidron-Valley Har-Hazeisim and The-Eastern-Wall are next to each other and can be done in one trip.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 20MIN In the Kidron Valley, there are some famous monuments. *Tomb of Avshalom. It is unlikely that it is his tomb, however, there may have been a structure there before 2000 years ago that was knocked down to make room for this monument. There was an old custom of throwing stones at the monument. Residents of Yerushalayim would bring their misbehaving children here to teach them what happens to rebellious children. *Tomb of the Benei Chezir. This was the family tomb of a wealthy family called the Benei Chezir. Possibly linked to the Cohanic family of the Benei Chezir. *Tomb of Zechariah. This tomb is said to be the Kever of the Navi Zechariah, but it is disputed. History -The Kidron Valley is one of the most important locations in the world, it is here that Hashem will judge the nations, Techiyas Hameisim will happen nearby, and Moshiach will ride across the valley on a donkey. This is where Avraham Avinu met Malki Tzedek. Kidron Valley has several names, which are mentioned throughout Tenach. The Kidron-Valley Har-Hazeisim and The-Eastern-Wall are next to each other and can be done in one trip.


    KOHANIM CAUTION!!! (Kever of Raban Gamliel) (my videos from this travel) Details Tel Yavne ~~~ Google Maps Kever of Raban Gamliel ~~~ Google Maps Duration 30MIN -Today, there isn't anything at Tel Yavne, there is an old small crusader tower. Nearby, they discovered one of the largest ancient wineries in the world, dating to the Byzantine era (~1500 years ago). However, I don't know if they will turn that into an archeological park for visitors to see. -Nearby is the Kever of Raban Gamliel. History -Yavne is one of the most important locations in Jewish history! During one of the darkest times in Jewish history, the Churban Beis Sheini, Torah and Yiddishkeit were facing imminent destruction C''V. In this darkness there was a small light that saved and then expanded Judaism, Yavne. Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai famously asked the Roman emperor Vespasian “Give me Yavne and its sages". Here the light of the Torah was saved, with the Sanhedrin relocating to Yavne from Yerushalayim.


    Details Google Maps Duration 2MIN What is cool about this Kever, is that it is in the middle of a few apartment buildings. History -This Kever was discovered in 1956, in Rechavia, Yerushalayim. It dates to the times of the Chashmonaim (around 100 BCE). Inside they found the engravings of two ships and an inscription that says Yason (English: Jason). As such, it is believed that the Kever possibly belongs to a naval commander, or a merchant named Yason.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 2-5HR -This is one of my favourite spots in Eretz Yisrael. It has an incredible replica of ancient Yerushalayim and the Beis Hamikdash, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and many of the greatest Jewish archeological findings! -I personally walked away very inspired Here you can see so many examples of how Jews have been practising Yiddishkeit for so long. The Haggadahs, Megillahs, and Gemaras that we have today are things that have been Jewish for so long. You can see an amulet containing Birchas Kohanim from over 2700 years ago! -You can easily spend all day here!

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