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    Google Maps - After the 1948 War of Independence, Jews that passed away, were not able to be buried in Har Hazeisim. Rav Gedalya Moshe ben Rav Shloimke, the Zvhiller Rebbe, passed away in 1949. As such, he was buried in a small cemetery, which is today next to Gan Sacher Park.


    (my videos from this travel) -Kever of Dan ben Yaakov Avinu ~~~ Google Maps The Kever of Shimshon Hagibor is near the Kever of Dan.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Lookout Google Maps Kevorim Google Maps - Shimshon Hagibor and his father, Monoach, are buried next to the city he was born, Zorah. The story is written about in Sefer Shoftim, Perek 13. - There are few archeological remains. However, there is an incredible view of the area! The Kever of Shimshon Hagibor is near the Kever of Dan.


    KOHANIM CAUTION!!! Close to the bottom of the hill (past the main ruins of the Tel) are some burial caves. (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps (This is approximately where the water reservoir is.) - Duration 1-1.5HR - A lot of the archeological remains are covered by brush. However, there is this cool 3000-year-old water reservoir that you can go into! History - Beit Shemesh is mentioned many times in Tanach. It was one of the 13 cities given to the Kohanim. - There is the tragic story of the people of Beit Shemesh looking at the Aron Hakodesh and dying.


    KOHANIM CAUTION!!! On one of the walking paths near the castle are some old tombs. But they are fenced off. (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1.5HR (If you walk to the old mines, it will take more time) - This is one of the nicest castles in Eretz Yisrael! - There are incredible views of the coast, including Tel Aviv. - There are nice walking and biking paths, including one that leads to an old mine (though, I didn't go there) History - Most of the fortress here is dated to the Ottoman Era. However, this location contains remains from the Malmuk, Crusader, and Roman times. -Yosephus mentions that the Roman governor of Syria, Cestius Gallus, conquered this location during the Great Revolt of 66 CE (He was later defeated in battle, and died in 67 broken by the shame of his defeat). - From up here you can see the battlefield where the Plishtim defeated the Jews. In the battle, the Aron HaKodesh was taken, and 34,000 Jews were killed, including Eli HaKohen's 2 sons. - (Unfortunately, I didn't take many photos, mostly videos.) The Mazor Mausoleum, Qula Crusader Fortress, Migdal Tsedek, Eben Ezer, and Tel Afek are near each other.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 10MIN - The Mazor Mausoleum is one of the best-preserved Roman buildings in Eretz Yisrael. However, it is unknown who is buried inside. - It is pretty cool because it's in an empty area right next to the highway! The Mazor Mausoleum, Qula Crusader Fortress, Migdal Tsedek, Eben Ezer, and Tel Afek are near each other.


    KOHANIM CAUTION!!! Near the spring is a staircase leading up a hill that has a view of the area. By the lookout area is a house with a kever in it. (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 45MIN - At Gideon's Spring, is where Gideon separated his men by how they drank from the water. You can literally drink from that exact spring! However, DO NOT drink from it, it is dirty! History - In the area in front of Gideon's Spring, is where Shaul Hamelech and his sons were killed. It is also where Gideon defeated the Midyanim. - Near Gideon's Spring is the location of the Battle of Ain Jalut. The Arab Malmuks for the first time in history defeated a Mongol advance, yes the MONGOLS!!! It's incredible how many empires have fought over Eretz Yisrael! -Tel Yizreel and Gideon's Spring are near each other.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 2-3HR - Beit Shearim is the greatest hidden gem in Eretz Yisrael! Beit Shearim is the largest Jewish necropolis, with huge burial cave systems. Since Beit Shearim was mainly used by the affluent, there are many fancy sarcophagi here. Additionally, there is this amazing carved Menorah! - There are a few cave systems here that you have to ask them at the entrance to open for you. History - Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi requested that he and his wife should be buried as simple people. The graves in Beit Shearim are fancy. However, in a cave where family members of Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi were buried, there are 2 simple Kevorim there. Meaning, that this is very likely the Kever of Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi! - Beit Shearim was one of the locations where the Sanhedrin was located. There is an old Shul here, meaning that it is possible, that the Sanhedrin convened right here! There are many burial caves here.

  • AKKO

    (my videos from this travel) Details Ramchal's Shul ~~~ Google Maps Knights Hall ~~~ Google Maps Duration 3HR -There are incredible remains from the Crusaders. The Crusader Fortress here is huge! There is an impressive escape tunnel. And there is an interactive presentation at the Turkish baths. - The Knights Hall, Tunnel, and Turkish Baths are under the same management. You can purchase tickets for all these sites from any of those locations. History - Akko is mentioned in Tenach, though there are almost no remains from then. - There are the remains of the city's defenses against Napolean. Yes, Napoleon! Eretz Yisrael is truly the center of the world. - The Ramchal lived the last years of his life in Akko. There was a large Shul named in his honor. However, the Arab ruler destroyed the Shul, building a mosque there. The Jews were then given a small location to rebuild their Shul. They named it after the old Shul, The Ramchal Shul.


    (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 1HR - There is a great video presentation, narrated by veterans of the battle, that explains what happened. - The views from the area are great, especially the view of Yerushalayim. History -Castel Park overlooks the highway between Tel Aviv and Yerushalayim. As such, it has been an important strategic location throughout history. The Romans and Crusaders built fortresses on top. -Castel Park is most famous for a battle there between Jews and Arabs in the 1948 War of Independence. (I mostly took videos of Castel Park. So many of the photos are screenshots.) Castel Park and Ein Hemed are near each other. There is a cool bunker system to get to the top of the hill. There is a great video presentation, narrated by veterans of the battle, that explains what happened.


    KOHANIM CAUTION!!! Herod and his family were buried at Herodion. Archaeologists are almost sure that they found their tombs. The sections of Herodion that tourists visit have already been searched to see if his tomb is there. Ask your Rabbi if it is ok to visit. (my videos from this travel) Details Google Maps --- Duration 4HR (check carefully the bus schedule, they don't come too often) -There are incredible archeological remains in Herodion. There are underground rooms used during the Jewish Revolts. Plus the views of the area are incredible! -There also is a nice video presentation. SAFETY! - It's safer to go there by taking the bus (From Yerushalayim) or going with an armed local or tour guide. The bus drops you off at the bottom of the mountain. There is an army base right there (meaning it's safer). At the entrance click the 'doorbell' to be let in. History -Herod built Herodion as a palace, fortress, and ultimately as a tomb for himself. Herodion was used by Jews to defend themselves against the Romans in the Jewish Revolt of 66 and during the Bar Kachba Revolt. They found an old Shul in Herodion. The views here are incredible! You can see Yerushalayim from here.


    KOHANIM CAUTION!!! At the side of the park is a cemetery. You can visit the old city and the cave system without passing by the cemetery. Blog Post explaining this site Details Google Maps --- Duration: The Park 45MIN --- The Hike 1-3HR - You can hike around the mountains there, and see the caves where the scrolls were found. The hike is really nice, you overlook the Yam Hamelech. History -At Qumran, there lived a very frum group of Jews called the Essenes (Isiyim in Hebrew). Throughout Qumran, there are many Mikvahs. Some of the Mikvahs have dividers so that the pure and impure people should not be near each other. -Qumran is most famous for the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls in the caves nearby. There are many Mikvahs here.

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