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    Details Google Maps --- Duration 20~30MIN --- YouTube (my videos from this travel) You can go to the roof, which offers some amazing views of Yerushalayim and the inside of the Shul. History -The Hurva is an old Shul that was destroyed by the Arabs in 1948, and after the Jews got control of Yerushalayim, it was rebuilt to its original look. -The Burnt House, Herodion Quarter, and The Hurva are under the same management, you can purchase tickets for all of them at the entrance of each place.


    Details Google Maps - Horvat Alec (also spelled Horvat Eleq or Horvat Aleq), contains the remains of a Herodium-era fortress, water system, and a Roman bathhouse. There is also interestingly at the bottom of the hill, a ship. I went to the following places as one hike, they are near each other. Each individual place is a Tier 3, but if you combine them all, it is a Tier 2. The duration of the full hike was 5-6HR Tel Mevorakh then Horvat Akav then Ramat Hanadiv then Horvat Alec then Jabotinsky Park then Binyamina


    Details Google Maps I was there for a wedding. They have a nice view of Yericho and Jordan.


    Details Google Maps --- Duarion 5MIN - At the entrance of Kfar Etzion is an ancient wine press. This region was and still is a major wine-producing area. There are many ancient wine presses in the area. - The Kfar Etzion Winpress and The Gush Etzion Heritage Center are near each other.


    Details Google Maps --- Duration 1HR -They have this cool video presentation describing the background and battle for the Gush. If you are in the area, it's definitely worth giving it a visit. - The Kfar Etzion Winpress and The Gush Etzion Heritage Center are near each other.


    Details Google Maps --- Duration 1MIN - Next to Yaffa Street, by the Russian compound is an abandoned pillar, nicknamed Og's Finger. It may have been intended to be used in the Herodian expansion of the Beis Hamikdash, but it cracked and was just left there.


    Details Binyamina Winery ~~~ Google Maps Old water system ~~~ Google Maps - After Jabotinski Park, I walked to Binyamina to catch a bus. You can see outside the Binyamina winery. Also, at the edge of the city are the remains of an old water station (I think). I went to the following places as one hike, they are near each other. Each individual place is a Tier 3, but if you combine them all, it is a Tier 2. The duration of the full hike was 5-6HR Tel Mevorakh then Horvat Akav then Ramat Hanadiv then Horvat Alec then Jabotinsky Park then Binyamina


    Details Google Maps -Right next to Gan Sacher Park, behind the Israeli Museum, is a natural park. There is a small archeological site there.

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