(my videos from this travel)
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- There is a moderate amount of archeology here. However, there are nice views of the surrounding areas, because Yodfat is on top of the mountain.
-Yodfat is most famous for the story of Yosephus. Yosephus (Born: Yoseph ben Matisyahu), was the commander in the north during the Great Revolt of 66 to 73 CE. His main fortification was Yodfat.
-The Romans conquered the city, and according to Yosephus 42,000 Jews were killed, with 12,000 more enslaved. Yosephus, survived the siege, by finding favour with the Romans. He became a famous historian of that time. (Lots of his stories aren't so accurate, because he was writing with a Roman bias in mind.)
-There is a cave here, where they found many skeletons that had sword wounds. Likely, these are the bones of the people that died during the siege!
-In Mishnais Arachin, Yodfat is mentioned as one of the walled cities from the times of Yehoshua Ben-Nun.
Archeological | 3/5 |
Historical | 5/5 |
Nature | 2/5 |
Views | 3/5 |

There are many caves and cisterns, perhaps Yosephus hid in one of these.