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Updated: May 5, 2024

(my videos from this travel)



Google Maps --- duration 1.5HR --- YouTube (my videos from this travel)

- There is a moderate amount of archeology here. However, there are nice views of the surrounding areas, because Yodfat is on top of the mountain.


-Yodfat is most famous for the story of Yosephus. Yosephus (Born: Yoseph ben Matisyahu), was the commander in the north during the Great Revolt of 66 to 73 CE. His main fortification was Yodfat.

-The Romans conquered the city, and according to Yosephus 42,000 Jews were killed, with 12,000 more enslaved. Yosephus, survived the siege, by finding favour with the Romans. He became a famous historian of that time. (Lots of his stories aren't so accurate, because he was writing with a Roman bias in mind.)

-There is a cave here, where they found many skeletons that had sword wounds. Likely, these are the bones of the people that died during the siege!

-In Mishnais Arachin, Yodfat is mentioned as one of the walled cities from the times of Yehoshua Ben-Nun.









Replica of a battering ram.
Replica of a battering ram.

Section of the wall surrounding Yodfat.
Section of the wall surrounding Yodfat.

From up here, the Jewish defenders were able to look down at the Romans.
From up here, the Jewish defenders were able to look down at the Romans.

Yodfat has some nice views of the area.
Yodfat has some nice views of the area.

There are many caves and cisterns, perhaps Yosephus hid in one of these.

Ancient Mikvahs.
Ancient Mikvahs.

The cave where they found the bones.
The cave where they found the bones.

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