KOHANIM CAUTION!!! (Kever of Raban Gamliel)
(my videos from this travel)
Tel Yavne ~~~ Google Maps
Kever of Raban Gamliel ~~~ Google Maps
Duration 30MIN
-Today, there isn't anything at Tel Yavne, there is an old small crusader tower. Nearby, they discovered one of the largest ancient wineries in the world, dating to the Byzantine era (~1500 years ago). However, I don't know if they will turn that into an archeological park for visitors to see.
-Nearby is the Kever of Raban Gamliel.
-Yavne is one of the most important locations in Jewish history! During one of the darkest times in Jewish history, the Churban Beis Sheini, Torah and Yiddishkeit were facing imminent destruction C''V. In this darkness there was a small light that saved and then expanded Judaism, Yavne. Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai famously asked the Roman emperor Vespasian “Give me Yavne and its sages". Here the light of the Torah was saved, with the Sanhedrin relocating to Yavne from Yerushalayim.
Archaeological | 2/5 |
Historical | 5/5 |
Nature | 1/5 |
Views | 1/5 |