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Updated: Jun 6, 2024


(my videos from this travel)


List of Kevarim in Tiveria.

Kevarim of Rabbi Chiya and his Sons ~~~ Google Maps

Kever Ha'Imos ~~~ Google Maps


Next to the Rambam's Kever are the Kevorim of many Tzadikim.


Kever of Rachel wife of Rabbi Akiva.
Kever of Rachel wife of Rabbi Akiva.

Next to her Kever is an illustration of the famous story of water breaking through a stone.
Next to her Kever is an illustration of the famous story of water breaking through a stone.

Kever of Reb Mendel mi-Vitebsk, and the Maggid's Chassidim.
Kever of Reb Mendel mi-Vitebsk, and the Maggid's Chassidim.

It is known that many great Rabbis came to the natural hot springs of Tiveria for medical purposes. Behind the parking lot of the water park, is an abandoned Roman bathhouse. Possibly, these Tannaim used this bathhouse.
It is known that many great Rabbis came to the natural hot springs of Tiveria for medical purposes. Behind the parking lot of the water park, is an abandoned Roman bathhouse. Possibly, these Tannaim used this bathhouse.

Unfortunately, the site is not maintained, and there is a lot of garbage there. I did see an article that they want to clean up and repair that place.
Unfortunately, the site is not maintained, and there is a lot of garbage there. I did see an article that they want to clean up and repair that place.

What the area looks like. The bahhouse is underneath a makeshift roof.
What the area looks like. The bahhouse is underneath a makeshift roof.

Kever of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNes.
Kever of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNes.

Rabbi Akiva's Kever.
Rabbi Akiva's Kever.

The RaMCHaL Hakadosh's Kever is next to Rabbi Akiva's.
The RaMCHaL Hakadosh's Kever is next to Rabbi Akiva's.

The RaMCHaL Hakadosh's Kever.
The RaMCHaL Hakadosh's Kever.

Amazing view from Rabbi Akiva’s Kever.
Amazing view from Rabbi Akiva’s Kever.


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