(my videos from this travel)
Park entrance Google Maps --- duration 2HR
*The Davidson Center and The City Of David are two SEPARATE parks. They require separate tickets. However, you can buy tickets to both from either location.
* I put this in the Religious Sites section because it includes the Kosel and the Chulda Gates.
Highlights of The Davidson Center.
- You can walk up to the Chulda Gates. (These gates are not the original ones from Beis Rishon. They also are not Chulda Gates mentioned in the Mishnah because the Mishnah is referring to the Har Habayis from the Chashmonaim. However, the Chulda Gates was the southern entrance to the Har Habayis, and these gates were the southern entrance to the Herodian Har Habais, as such millions of Jews used these gates to go to the Beis Hamikdash!) A Tosefta in Bava Basra says that Chulda HaNavia was buried nearby here.
- It says that the stairs leading up the Har Habayis were not the same measurement, in order to make people focus on their ascent to the Har Habayis. You can walk on those same stairs!
- You can see actual destruction from the Churban Bayis Sheni! The Romans knocked down huge stones from the Har Habais, and those stones crashed through the street below. You can see those stones, and see how the street is cracked and bent from those stones!
- There was a marketplace next to the Western Wall. Meaning this is the original Wall Street!
- You can touch the SouthWest corner of the Har Habayis!
Archeological | 4/5 |
Historical | 6/5! |
Nature | 1/5 |
Views | 2/5 |

Evidence of the Churban Bayis Sheni.

Before going to the Har Habais, people went to Mikvah. As such, there are many Mikvahs here, right before the entrance to the Har Habais.
Fortifications dated to Shlomo Hamelech.
The Chulda Gates.