(my videos from this travel)
Google Maps --- Duration 2-3HR
-The Nebi Samuel Park is where Shmuel Hanavi is buried. Nebi means a prophet in Arabic. In the area, there are lots of archeological remains from the Chashmonaim and Crusader times.
-There are incredible views from on top of the building.
-Nearby, there is a spring that is used as a Mikvah. People call it Chana's spring, after the mother of Shmuel, however, it's not confirmed if she actually used that spring.
-There is an argument about whether this mountain is the ancient city of Mitzpa, which is where Shmuel Hanavi judged the Jews.
Archeological | 5/5 |
Historical | Possibly 4/5 |
Nature | 1/5 |
Views | 5/5 |