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  • sholomraskin


Updated: Jun 6


(my videos from this travel)


-A short walk from The Rashbi is an ancient Shul. It may be possible that The Rashbi davened here.

-There are many Kevarim in the Meron area. For the following Kevarim, I used Google Photos maps, it is approximately accurate, but I can't say for sure that they are in the exact area. I walked around the mountain area near the Rashbi and came across these Kevarim, so they are on that path.

Kever of Hillel Hazaken
Kever of Hillel Hazaken
Kever of Rabbi Tarfon.
Kever of Rabbi Tarfon.

Kever of Rabbi Yossi Ben Kisma.
Kever of Rabbi Yossi Ben Kisma.

Kever of Rabbi Yehudah Ben Beseira.
Kever of Rabbi Yehudah Ben Beseira.
Kever of Rabbi Yossi Chatufa.
Kever of Rabbi Yossi Chatufa.

View from the Hike.

The ancient Shul.
The ancient Shul.

View in the morning from the Shul.
View in the morning from the Shul.


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