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Updated: Jun 6, 2024


(my videos from this travel)


- Chevron is difficult to quantify. It is a small place with many locations. Typically, when people visit Chevron they go to many of these sites in Chevron at the same time.

List of places from Tanach in Chevron.

- Entrance to the Cave where the Avos are buried.

The Ramban bought a piece of land here, as such, there are those that say he is buried here, next to the Mearah.
The Ramban bought a piece of land here, as such, there are those that say he is buried here, next to the Mearah.

There are 2 entrances to the buriel caves. This is the closest, hence why it is called the entrance to Gan Eden.
There are 2 entrances to the buriel caves. This is the closest, hence why it is called the entrance to Gan Eden.

The 2nd entrance is underneath these mats. The place is guarded to prevent people from entering.
The 2nd entrance is underneath these mats. The place is guarded to prevent people from entering.
During Yomtov, the Kever of Avner ben Ner  is opened, it is near the exit of the Mearah. Avner was the cousin of Shaul Hamelech and the head of his army.
During Yomtov, the Kever of Avner ben Ner is opened, it is near the exit of the Mearah. Avner was the cousin of Shaul Hamelech and the head of his army.

Beis Hadassah.
Beis Hadassah.

Location where the baby Shalhevet Pass was murdered by a sniper.
Location where the baby Shalhevet Pass was murdered by a sniper.

Her Kever in the Chevron cemetery. Notice that the box is much smaller than the others.
Her Kever in the Chevron cemetery. Notice that the box is much smaller than the others.

Torahs that were rescued from the 1929 riots.
Torahs that were rescued from the 1929 riots.

The Avraham Avinu Shul.
The Avraham Avinu Shul.

The house of Rebbetzin Menucha Rachel Slonim (1798 – 1888), she was a grand-daughter of Chabad’s founder, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, also known as the Baal HaTanya.
The house of Rebbetzin Menucha Rachel Slonim (1798 – 1888), she was a grand-daughter of Chabad’s founder, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, also known as the Baal HaTanya.

She lived in here.
She lived in here.

This is part of the ancient entrance to Chevron. Part of this entrance dates to over 4000 years ago! That means that Avraham Avinu walked right here!
This is part of the ancient entrance to Chevron. Part of this entrance dates to over 4000 years ago! That means that Avraham Avinu walked right here!

The amazing thing about this, is that on the ground level are the remains of Jewish homes from 2700 years ago, and on top Jews are still living here!
The amazing thing about this, is that on the ground level are the remains of Jewish homes from 2700 years ago, and on top Jews are still living here!

On top of the apartment building, there is an amazing view. Included in the view you can see the old Yeshiva Slobodka.
On top of the apartment building, there is an amazing view. Included in the view you can see the old Yeshiva Slobodka.

There is an ancient stream nearby named after Avraham Avinu, because he may have used it.
There is an ancient stream nearby named after Avraham Avinu, because he may have used it.

The stream.
The stream.

View of the Mearah.
View of the Mearah.

On rare occasions like Chol Hamoed, the army protects Jews to visit the Kever of Osniel Ben Knaz, the first Shofet.
On rare occasions like Chol Hamoed, the army protects Jews to visit the Kever of Osniel Ben Knaz, the first Shofet.

Inside the Kever.
Inside the Kever.

-Tel Chevron, also called in Arabic, Tel Rumeida. It is part of the ancient city of Chevron.

The old Jewish cemetery, there are manyTzadikim here.

Kever of the Sdei Chemed.
Kever of the Sdei Chemed.

Kever of Rabbi Abraham ben Mordecai Azulai.
Kever of Rabbi Abraham ben Mordecai Azulai.

His famous work the Chesed L'Avraham.
His famous work the Chesed L'Avraham.

Nearby is the kever of Menucha Rochel Slonim.
Nearby is the kever of Menucha Rochel Slonim.


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