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Updated: Jun 9, 2024

WARNING! The exhibits here are extremely graphic and disturbing. 


KOHANIM CAUTION!!! There are the remains of Yidden in the museum (for example, the bars of soap made from murdered Yidden).


(my videos from this travel)



Google Maps --- Duration 45 Min

To visit, you have to book an appointment. Call 02-671-5105

- My entire visit to the Chamber of the Holocaust was 45 minutes. However, you can see the Holocaust in a way that cuts straight to the point and leaves a massive impression. There is no sugarcoating or political statements here. You simply see the wide-ranging scope of the horrific brutality of the Holocaust. 

- Often overlooked when discussing the Holocaust, were the attacks on Yiddishkiet. Here you can see that.


At the entrance, there is a display of anti-Semitic artifacts.


There are Matzeivahs here for communities destroyed in the Holocaust. Some of them have a small shelf with a Megillah listing the known members of that community who were murdered. I randomly was looking at one Matzeivah and never heard of that city, it was one of many, in this city, 20,000 Jews were murdered! Hashem Yikom Damo.


The purplish/red on these Sefrei Torahs, are Yiddens blood!

A sefer written in the city of Auschwitz, before the death camp was created there.
A sefer written in the city of Auschwitz, before the death camp was created there.

This needs no explanation.
This needs no explanation.

The Sefer Torah is opened up to the Aseres Hadibros, where it says "Not to Murder"!
The Sefer Torah is opened up to the Aseres Hadibros, where it says "Not to Murder"!

No explanation necessary.
No explanation necessary.

Purses and lampshades lined with cut-up pieces from Sefrei Torahs!


In the early years of the museum, there was a minyan that learned here, for the zechus of the Yidden killed in the Holocaust.


The nazis yemach shemo, forced a Jewish tailor to make a shirt out of a Sefer Torah. The tailor put the curses section from the Torah, on the back side.


Ashes from each of these camps were buried here!

Soap from the remains of Jews gassed to death!
Soap from the remains of Jews gassed to death!

These containers, contain the remains of ashes found at the death camps.
These containers, contain the remains of ashes found at the death camps.

Replica of a crematoria used to burn Jewish bodies.
Replica of a crematoria used to burn Jewish bodies.


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